Last five posts from the CHAT-M-Room (Town Common) are:

Most know j Hellgren has a home in Fl. And is still in Chatham. There was iis also the " Fl. Lawyer" (sorry but his name escapes me) who contributes to the site, I wish them well. I know John is still in Chatham at the moment, but there is certainly major concern for all
USA - Tue 10/08/2024 - 21:13:18
There are things being posted that distort the truth. No specific accusations,
but there are many people around who knew Dougie Bohman well. Also her two
living sons. Writing a Chatham history would be a daunting task. I have published
4 books, all with more limited scope, and the effort required is huge. Richard
is working on what he remembers is more reasonable. Rob Carlisle, who is
deceased, was a professional writer and did an excellent job on the areas of
Chatham history he wrote about.

Chatham, MA USA - Mon 10/07/2024 - 19:16:00
Wow, what has happened to our Town? Douglass Ann Bohman was Chairman of the Board of Selectmen and the flags are not at half staff? She died Friday, her 3 sons are well-known in Town, she was Ladies Gold Champion at Rastward Ho, is there NO one left who can honor our past? Even in Church today I saw maYbe two or three people who might remember her.....not dark ages.....30 yrs ago?
Emily Cunningham <>
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 10/06/2024 - 12:18:22
I do know the ins and outs of writing a book, as I have written about the Old Harbor Station . It is called "Seashore Sentinel" and is available at the Salt Pond visitor center in Eastham as well as the book shop in Centerville.
I am working on a new book entitled "From Aunt Lydias Cove to Cape Cod Bay - My Jobs, Voyages and Vehicles Along the Way".
It does cover some Chatham stuff - the first 19 years at least.
But I would be remiss if I left out 20 years of experiences in the U.S. Navy, and the 30 cars, tractors and other vehicles I've had.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 10/05/2024 - 17:41:05
John, thanks for the sad but not unexpected news! Dougie was a good friend, a smart civic minded Chatham lover, an outstanding lady golf champion, a funny lady with her very own bridge! I will always remember her.
Emily Cunningham <>
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 10/05/2024 - 03:01:41