Last five posts from the CHAT-M-Room (Town Common) are:

We elected these people. Mr Schell and Ms Davis have an obvious conflict of interest in pushing this - along with strings being pulled by Mr Oppenheim. Two members of the Select Board should NOT be calling the shots of the AHT. It's time for residents to smarten up and see the damage these people are doing to our town. Please re-elect Mr Metters and Mr Nicastro who genuinely have our best interests at heart and think about replacing Mr Schell and company next year (or before) when their terms are up. They will make Chatham an absolute mess if continue to get their way. This is not a transparent form of government. These are sneaky, dangerous people .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/26/2024 - 09:38:21
For residents, voters and taxpayers who will be directly impacted 'in perpetuity", we only learned Tuesday that review of RFPs received yesterday,the review and final decision of who the developer will be for the Affordable/Attainable housing for the Buckley property and Meetinghouse, will instead be made behind closed doors in Executive Sessions by the AH Trustees an the Select Board alone. The AH Trustees wanted sole authority to make the decision. That should never happen. They are appointed- not elected. Despite assurances otherwise, the public will NOT be permitted to participate in any open public discussion-to see the proposals, ask questions about potential developers credentials, proposed elevation and layout designs, density, water usage, parking, traffic implications, percentage of 1,2 and 3 bedrooms and their AMI unit deed restrictions, local preference for town residents, full time vs workforce housing units, whether there will be market rate for those who don't qualify for AH, costs of each proposal to taxpayers, or apparently the conditions negotiated on the land Deed Transfer to the chosen developer BEFORE a decision is made, It is, in my view, a serious failure of the process, a total lack of transparency, and shows utter disdain for all Chatham residents who will be expected to live with the consequences, the impact on our town forever, and pay the bill.
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/26/2024 - 07:37:58
I am watching this meeting and I find it interesting Mr Dykens and company seem to forget - THEY WORK FOR US - the taxpayers. Not their own self interests .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/23/2024 - 18:44:41
My parents always called it the "boulevard", although now it is known as Shore Road. Went by there today - the flowers at CBI are spectacular !
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 04/23/2024 - 17:17:11
This was from one of my friends that wants the word to get out:: The debacle with the Affordable Housing Trust and Select Board has reached a new high in "no transparency and unlimited spending" by 7 Board members...Mr Schell is asking for the power of all decisions ( acquisition of property, use of all funds in AffHT Fund ( 670.000.00 of which came from Town Manager's Free Cash ) borrowing more funds, requesting funds annually from CPA, hiring managers, consultants, developers, etc and choosing plans for houses to be built) He just had an "internal meeting "with Chair of SB, Town Staff and Jill and Town lawyer) this should have been a public meeting. On Tuesday Schell will ask SB to give he and his AFHT Board full power, We elected the SB but we sure did not elect the AffHousing Trust Board, The Proposals from developers will not be shared with the public...they are due April 25..All decisions and discussions will be in executive session so the public will not be able to watch or speak. The papers are not available from the developers..I already asked ,,the Town lawyer is using a procurement law to prevent the Town from knowing anything about what is going on. I think we are moving to a new variety of govt...similar to what goes on in third world countries. Please pass this on to others. The Internal meeting that took place did not include the 5 members of the Select Board,,,only the Chair. If you have the time to watch this meeting ,,SB..Tuesday nite at 5:30. It is time to stop this power grab .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/23/2024 - 06:30:53